What you need…
is someone who understands.
Someone who walks in bigger shoes
because they paved the path for you.

What you need…
is the person YOU will be
when your focus returns
and your skill shines
the way it used to
before too much was asked of you
and you gave it
because that’s who you are.

It’s who WE are, too
and that’s why we are here to heal you.

In a million years, we would never have guessed that our burning passion to mend the broken and heal the sick would EVER fade. Until it did.

And the overwhelming feeling we have
- when we can feel anything -
is a deep and aching sadness
for our loss … and theirs.

Healing The Healers
Advanced Trauma Counselling
Sundays With Susan

Our Apprentice Coaching Program

Small business entrepreneurs are rebels.
They woke up one day and said, “I can do THAT so much better” and spent the next too-many-years proving it.

It takes a really big wall to stop rebels in their tracks. The lucky ones actually PLAN for that day. They surround themselves with untested rebels and teach them the rules of the game.

This is the What, How and the Why behind our SuSanity Apprentice Coaching program.
We are looking for the passionate few with that rare, intuitive grasp of the multi-layered healing path. It’s our goal to ready you for the life.

The only question is…
Will you jump at the chance?