The Messages* Collection

Susan T. Ouellette

Messages From Your Inner Child are crafted in individual booklets to give the reader an “easy read.” Because each booklet contains ONE short, clear, compelling lesson grounded in real life stories, the reader has no need to struggle to keep track. There is no ‘focus overlap’ that can so often blur an essential message.

Taken directly from events that transformed her own life, Susan T. Ouellette reveals her most vulnerable self to us as she shares her hard-won 'Insights on Life.' She does this willingly, to help you find your way more easily and identify the five areas where we all find our challenges.

From our earliest moments, we connect in stages: with ourselves; with our care-givers and guides; and then, gradually, with the rest of the world. Each stage gives us lessons to learn… lessons that we must grasp the meaning of and find the purpose. As we all know, these lessons allow us to get our answers wrong until we have our AHA moment and the answer comes shining through.

  • In Book One, we learn why we need to listen to the voice of our Inner Child.

  • In Book Two, we find out why we keep attracting toxic people and what it takes to let them go.

  • In Book Three, we find out what we do when we can’t face the person we see in the mirror.

  • In Book Four, we learn that Trust is a process of discovery: a rite of passage; a way of setting standards that honor and respect our vulnerable boundaries.

  • In Book Five we are asked to think about and try to answer two very puzzling questions:
    1. Why are we so afraid to see the power that we possess?
    2. Why are so willing to give it away before we’ve had a chance to say
    This is mine, today?

Messages From Your Inner Child Book Cover By Susan T Ouellette Of The Susanity Life
Book Cover For Messages From Your Inner Child Book 3
Book Cover For Messages From Your Inner Child Book 2
Book Cover For Messages From Your Inner Child Book 4
Book Cover For Messages From Your Inner Child Book 5